The Arab Spring movement in
2011 disrupted the governing regimes in many countries in the Middle East and
North Africa. The demonstrations,
spawned by an increasing cost of living, initiated a reform movement which endeavored to liberalize these autocratically controlled economies. Some countries in the region, namely Tunisia and Egypt,
removed these regimes entirely while the governments in Algeria and Morocco
granted concessions which appeared to have successfully addressed the call for
reform. In Libya, Qaddafi resisted the demand
for a more liberalized economy and, due to his iron-fisted rule, there existed
little room for opposition groups where the populous could express their discontent. Tension built over time and in a highly urbanized,
sparsely populated country, Qaddafi’s regime was destined to fall.

next round of elections in 2014 saw growing resentment towards parliament as a
whole and the JCP and NFA suffered because of it. The people decidedly chose to elect parliamentarians
based on their individual campaigns and not along party lines, which resulted
in a mixture of parties now involved in Libyan politics. The Muslim Brotherhood backed JCP regarded
this as a loss of their power and worried about potential retribution that might
be leveled at the Brotherhood for its past purges of Qaddafi sympathizers. Fearing this, they moved to take military
control of the capital, Tripoli. From this point on, the conflict in Libya can
generally be divided into two
distinct camps: the non-Islamist Operation Dignity and the Muslim Brotherhood
backed Operation Dawn. Each have their
own Prime Minister, Parliament, and military forces.
Operation Dignity is a
loose affiliated arrangement of federalists, disaffected military units, and
tribes from Eastern Libya. They are
backed overtly by Egypt and the UAE and are generally regarded as the
legitimate government of Libya by the international community. Operation Dawn is backed by Islamic forces
and militias who want to rid Libya of Qaddafi-era holdovers and want further
economic liberalization. They are not
recognized internationally by the UN but are backed in a covert fashion by
Turkey, Qatar, and Sudan. As a result,
Libya is divided between fragile but stable alliances in which the potential for
a larger, more violent civil conflict exists.
There have been mediation
efforts via Britain’s Special Envoy Johnathon Powell and UN Special
Representative Bernardino Leon, who have
engaged both sides in talks. They
have emphasized the need for Operation Dawn and Dignity to reunite under a
single parliament once again, however, the fear is that any collaboration by
either side may lead to further fragmentation. To add further complexity to
the Libya conflict, ISIS has a growing presence due to the power vacuum created by the fighting. They are regarded as an enemy of both Dawn
and Dignity; consequently, this may allow Dawn and Dignity an avenue for
cooperation in the future.
Where does this leave
Libya? Despite its recent past, there
exists a potential in Libya to move forward in a positive manner, however,
action needs to be taken soon in an effort to mitigate the possibility of
cemented positions. The UN and the EU are already heavily
involved because of the UN/NATO intervention in 2011, the worry that Libya
might provide safe haven to Jihadist elements, and the presence of ISIS
resulting from the power vacuum. Libya
needs to focus on demilitarizing Operations Dawn and Dignity, amalgamating of
the two separate parliaments, and initiating security sector reform. Canada, through its allies, can support these endeavors in an effort to increase stability in Libya and disrupt the ability
for ISIS to spread beyond Iraq and Syria.
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