A surge of American troops descended on the Taliban for 18
months beginning in 2010 and succeeded at taking key areas from the rebels.
After 5 years of increasing Taliban resistance, the surge forced violence to
its lowest level since 2005.[1]
The increased pressure succeeded in dropping insurgent gains and morale, pushing the Taliban to seek peace negotiations.[3] But, by the fall of 2011, it became clear that the surge was not able to crush the Taliban indefinitely.[4] The violence continued, and the Taliban waited patiently in their Pakistani safe heaven for the Coalition troops to leave and open the way for the Taliban to retake Afghanistan.[5] After all, coalition forces announced most of their troops would leave by the end of 2014.
Before diving into that question, let us first review why the surge was deemed necessary.
Following 9/11 the United States attacked the Taliban in Afghanistan, a group that had been in power for years. The American forces quickly removed the Taliban from power, and the insurgents retreated to the south of the country and into Pakistan.
However, the success faded within
a few years, and the Taliban began to re-emerge – leading to increasing levels
of violence.
Seeing the Coalition forces –
composed of NATO countries like Canada and the United Kingdom – had not been
able to crush the Taliban, Obama announced in 2009 he would send an additional
33 thousand troops into Afghanistan for 18 months to train more police and army
forces, in addition to thousands of civilians to help build stronger
institutions in the country. They dubbed
this operation “Anaconda”: a counterinsurgency strategy whereby Coalition
forces would apply pressure to all factors fuelling the insurgents, including
attacking them militarily and “winning the hearts and minds” of the Afghan
population – thus denying the Taliban potential soldiers.[2]
But as seen above, the Taliban was weakened but not crushed. Why?
But as seen above, the Taliban was weakened but not crushed. Why?
A number of
scholars pointed to the short attention paid by the civil-military
Anaconda operation to building stronger accountable institutions in
Afghanistan. In fact, Frances Z. Brown, an international fellow at the Council
of Foreign Relations at the U.S. Institute of Peace, argues that the
surge actually undermined the Coalition’s ability to foster local legitimacy of
the Afghan government.
One of the
elements of the surge included the provision of funds to build infrastructure
such as hospitals and schools. The goal: to help the Afghan local governments
win legitimacy among the population and, by doing so, to decrease their need to
seek the Taliban for the provision of services. Brown argues that in this the
surge succeeded – temporarily.[6]
majority of funds went to areas where governance was lowest, and where the
Taliban was strongest.[7]
Because of the weak government institutions, the money usually ended up with
district governors rather than local ministries, like the education ministry.[8] As
a result, while the power of the district governors increased, local
institutions did not gain legitimacy or strength.[9]
But once the funds dried up, the
district governors would lose their newfound legitimacy, local institutions
would remain weak, and the population would once again seek local warlords for
the services other institutions could not provide – including security.[10]
to Brown the surge was not only unable to build stronger institutions, it may
actually have made them weaker.[11]
these new, inflated budgets came directly from Uncle Sam, the district
governors had every incentive to prioritize American requests,” Brown said.[12]
As a result, the priority placed on engaging with local institutions and
population came second – thus decreasing the strength of institutions that
included local health ministries and the local police.[13]
while the surge may have been effective at increasing the number of Afghan
soldiers and police officers, it was not able to build strong institutions that
were accountable to the population.[14]
Corruption thus continued within the civil service and within military
and police institutions – institutions that did not need the local population’s
approval to survive.[15]
The police thus became more
likely to coerce civilians and mistreat them, leading to increased insecurity
and decreased legitimacy of the Afghan government.[16] Such
behaviour failed to “win the hearts and minds” of the population.
The Taliban used the population’s
unhappiness with the government to their advantage, using it to to strengthen and widen popular support for the group.
The result: the surge’s success
was temporary. This shows that while more money and troops can help hurt insurgents,
they cannot destroy them without fixing an issue that strengthens the insurgency: weak
governance. But building governance takes time.
[1] Jamie
Lynn de Costier, “Negotiating
the Great Game: Ending the U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan,” The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 38,
no. 2 (Summer, 2014): 77, http://proxy.library.carleton.ca/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.proxy.library.carleton.ca/docview/1565808364?accountid=9894.
[2] Ibid, 76.
[3] Ibid, 82.
[4] Ibid, 84.
[5] Ibid, 88.
[6] Frances
Z. Brown, “Bureaucracy Does
its Thing Again,” The American Interest
8, no. 2 (October 9, 2012): 41, http://www.the-american-interest.com/2012/10/09/bureaucracy-does-its-thing-again/.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Ibid.
[12] Ibid, 42.
[13] Ibid.
[14] Ibid, 43.
[15] Ibid.
Abdulkader Sinno, “Partisan
Intervention and the Transformation of Afghanistan’s Civil War,” The American Historical Review, 120, no.
5 (2015): 1819, doi:10.1093/ahr/120.5.1811.
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